Event Creatures
This is the event page, where creatures are sorted by their respective event.
Winter event
Here is where you can buy the creatures sold at the 2020-2021 Winter event.
Boreal Warden (Out of Stock)
Jotunhel (Out of Stock)
Sleirnok (1)
Valentines Event
The creatures from the valentines event such as the Faeculu or Fyluf are sold here!
Ardor Warden (Out of Stock)
Faecalu (1) 700 ea.
Fyluf (1) 1.2k ea.
Easter Event
These creatures are currently cheaper since the event ended not too long ago, get them while they are still this way!
Kyiki (Out of Stock)
Phugu (5) 500-900 shooms ea.
Verdant Warden (3) 4.5k shooms ea.
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